Episode 11: Getting Medieval on Old English*

To judge from the current debate among Anglo-Saxonists about the racism of their own field, Old English literature is simply one boss fight after another, starting with the battle between Beowulf and Grendel. It’s true! Old English poets loved a good boss fight! But it wasn’t the fight that most English professors would have you believe. Video with subscription at Unauthorized.tv (History and Logos Channel) Rejoice now in spirit, thrive in the solace Of the Savior, take comfort in Christ. Gather glory, guard your treasure-house, The secure space of your heart’s holdings. Bind up your thoughts. Be careful with vows. A true companion sometimes proves false; Promises can unravel so a friendship is undone. The world sometimes weathers rough storms, The tempests of untrusted, and suffers doom. There is one heart’s haven: one firm faith, One living Lord, one sacred baptism, One eternal Father, the precious Prince Of all peoples, our Maker who has shaped Creation a...