Episode 3: Getting Medieval on the Psychological Significance of the Biblical Stories

Are you still impressed with the way in which a certain Canadian professor of psychology unlocks the psychological significance of the Biblical stories? Just wait ‘til you learn about Gregory the Great’s Moralia in Job!

Video with subscription at Unauthorized.tv (History and Logos Channel)


  • “Littera gesta docet, quod credas allegoria, moralia quod agas, quo tendas anagogia.” 
  • “The literal sense teaches what happened, the allegorical sense what you should believe, the moral sense what you should do, and the anagogical sense where you are going.”
  • Historically: the city of the Jews
  • Allegorically: the Church of Christ
  • Tropologically or morally: the soul of man
  • Anagogically: the heavenly city of God
Cover image 
  • London, British Library, Harley 3244, fols. 27v-28: “Militia est vita hominis super terram.”
  • On this manuscript, see Michael Evans, “An Illustrated Fragment of Peraldus’s Summa of Vice: Harleian MS 3244,” Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 45 (1982): 14-68.
Further reading
Course Study Guide


  1. Excellent series. I am learning a lot and trying to convert to Christianity (from atheist religion). Thank you.

    Re: Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary did #2 Is this the book you were using? Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

    From amazon Description: "This volume presents the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary complete with reforms mandated by the Second Vatican Council with daily texts from the Liturgy of the Hours, along with readings and prayers."


    I noticed some audio issue in the videos. There is a slight audio echo or reverb in the beginning half that goes away in the 2nd part of the videos. For vid #3 go to 32:15 and you can hear the echo, a slight pause in the audio @32:22, then the audio is good for the rest of the video. Maybe there is a 2nd microphone source that is recording that cuts out after a bit of time.

    Video #2, it happens at 32:30-32:35.

    1. Thank you for listening! I will check out the audio. There was a persistent echo in episode 2. I am happy that in this episode it was only for a few seconds.

      The edition of the Little Office that I am using is this one: https://www.amazon.com/Little-Office-Blessed-Angelus-2015-05-04/dp/B01FKT47AO/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=little+office+of+the+blessed+virgin+mary&qid=1561930745&s=gateway&sr=8-3

  2. Thank you, Professor! I am enjoying this visit to the Medeival period. Here’s to the hope that this series flourishes and becomes UAMH 102, 201, 202, 301, 302, 401 and 402! Maybe with a capstone too!

  3. Professor,
    Thank you for your investment of time and energy into this presentation. I am a bit behind on the videos. I have developed a real appreciation of the blog commentary and links in my attempt at a deeper understanding of the medieval.


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